I just realized I had missed the most crucial post here. An introduction post! I suck at introductions but trying never hurts, right? *Caution: Subject may get a little awkward here.*

Who am I?

I’m not even sure of it myself. I believe that’s what we’re supposed to do in this world- find out who we are. (Note to self: Everything is NOT supposed to be philosophical.) Anyway, coming back to the point. Hi guys! *Waves to the camera and smiles widely* I’m Zoha. A 17 years old girl physically who tends to go to any and every age mentally. I have recently appeared in my intermediate/ high school/12th grade exams in which I had engineering subjects and I’m about to enter the adult life aka university. *sigh* I am now an aspiring English literature OR Journalism student. Although I’m leaning more towards English literature but Journalism sounds great too. Suggestions will be warmly accepted. Oh and you should know that I have a habit of being super awkward at super important occasions and I’m bipolar as well. As if you couldn’t already tell that? I’m obsessed with books, t.v. series, chocolate, coffee, anything that tastes good and is edible and I’m a sucker for anything which is related to art. I suck at drawing and I really wish I could draw. Wouldn’t you hate it when an amazing idea hits you but you can’t do anything about it but cry in a corner with some ice-cream? Well actually sometimes I try and turn such ideas into words. I am a proud Muslim and Pakistani.

Why am I here?

I have been writing since I was 14 years old. I used to get all my frustration out in my journal. Whenever something bad happened instead of crying I would go into my room, shut the door and write instead of crying. Along the way I realized that writing makes me happy. It seemed like a far-off dream to become a writer then. I used to think that I can only become either a Doctor or an Engineer. So I posted one of my writings on my facebook profile about 2 years ago and received a great response from my friends. I experienced what getting appreciated for doing something you love feels like and trust me on this it’s the best feeling in the whole wide world. Honestly if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here. Most of the times we don’t realize how important is it to take the first step and how just a small step can lead to huge things.

Special thanks to Noor and Tayyeba baji for such overwhelming comments on such a basic post.

My first post on facebook that Hafsa Usmani inspired me to post.


























After that my best friend Saja came up with an idea of starting a book last year. I didn’t even take it seriously at first. Again I thought it was too surreal to be true. But we started writing it anyhow. We had only written 3 chapters of  Out Of The Labyrinth when Irum Zahra , the Author of Psychaotic, offered us to publish the book under her company Beyond Sanity Publishing. We were extremely overwhelmed at that. We have published 4 chapters of it on wattpad and are still working on the book.

At the same times I and Saja started an instagram account @creative.ramblings to post our writings on.It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I met some of the best people there. Thanks to Saja, Haania, Rimsha, Reem , Zara, Bina, Saira, Hafsa, Aimen, Maryam, Riani, Sarrah, all my mis-matched verses girls and my instagram family for always having my back, honestly I could go on forever. But these are the most supportive people in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for their love and support. They appreciated each of my writings, whether good or bad, and made me grew. So I started a blog to take a step forward, to talk about the little things that matter, to write my heart out and to grow into the person that I want to be.

This has gotten way too long now and I should stop. See you guys some other day. Till then take care and spread love. ❤